Christine May

Thành viên BQT
The use of VnReview Social Network (address: https://vnreview.vn, referred to as "VnReview" or "MXH VnReview") means that you agree to this "Terms & Conditions" together with VnReview. Other regulations and terms apply (including regulations to be updated and supplemented).

1. General provisions:​

MXH VnReview is a platform for people to post, share, exchange, discuss and evaluate all areas, products, services, information from all legal, official and honesty on the Internet.

· These Terms & Conditions will be updated and completed regularly without prior notice, when necessary to change accordingly. Continued use of VnReview MXH after being updated means that you accept and agree to abide by the updated regulations.

· This regulation is the basis for handling and resolving members' inquiries.

· Infringing posts can be edited, deleted, and members will be handled… without notice.

· VnReview has the right to use members' articles within VnReview.vn website and on other areas such as homepage, Blog, application to make it easier for people to find and read. The author of the article will be indicated or in the content with a link to the original article.

· Members are responsible for the content of their posts. VnReview.vn will provide necessary information to the authorities when requested.

· VnReview.vn is not responsible for any damage caused directly or indirectly from articles and content on VnReview MXH.

· VnReview.vn is not responsible for any copyright of the content shared on the entire VnReview MXH.

· VnReview.vn does not allow the use of trademarks "VnReview', "VnReview.vn", in any case without VnReview's permission.

2. Articles rules​

· Do not violate Vietnamese law.

· Do not disclose state secrets, military secrets, security, economic, foreign affairs and other secrets prescribed by law.

· Do not post information that distorts, slanders or offends the reputation of the organization; honor and dignity of citizens.

· Do not post, propagate, incite violence, lewdness, debauchery, crime, social evils, superstition; destroy the fine customs and customs of the nation.

· Do not post or propagate content that infringes intellectual property and copyright.

· Do not use language that lacks culture, violates ethical standards, traditional culture of the Vietnamese nation.

· Do not quarrel and use offensive words or attitudes on individuals or groups on the VnReview community.

· Do not perform acts of Spam nature including but not limited to commenting, spreading messages, messaging ...

· Do not take advantage of the Internet to advertise, propagate, purchase and sell goods and services on the list of prohibited items as prescribed by law.

· Do not create and post links containing computer viruses or other programs that damage and destroy the computer.

· Do not steal and illegally use passwords, cryptographic keys and other members' private information on VnReview. Do not obstruct or threaten the normal use of other members' accounts and passwords.

3. Regulations for members:​

· Do not name the account (nick name) after the name of famous people, the name of the leader, the name of the terrorist, fascist, criminal, and the names of individuals and organizations that oppose the Communist State Socialist Republic of Vietnam, causing harm to national security and social order and safety.

· Do not use avatar images that imply violence, lewdness, debauchery, crime, social evils, superstition, destruction of the nation's fine customs and traditions.

· Do not instigate, entice or incite other members to violate the regulations & terms of VnReview.

· Do not promote any products/services in any form that do not comply with VnReview's agreement on provision and use of services and advertising policies.

· Have the right to change, supplement personal information, registered password.
· Be guaranteed the confidentiality of personal information according to the provisions of this regulation and the Privacy Policy of Personal Information on VnReview Social Network.

4. Privacy policy​

What information we hold about you​

The type of data that we collect and process includes:
- Your name or username.
Y- our email address.
- Your IP address.
Further data may be collected if you choose to share it, such as if you fill out fields on your profile.
We collect some or all of this information in the following cases:
- You register as a member on this site.
- You fill out our contact form.
- You browse this site. See "Cookie policy" below.
- You fill out fields on your profile.

How your personal information is used​

We may use your personal information in the following ways:
- For the purposes of making you a registered member of our site, in order for you to contribute content to this site.
- We may use your email address to inform you of activity on our site.
- Your IP address is recorded when you perform certain actions on our site. Your IP address is never publicly visible.

Other ways we may use your personal information.​

In addition to notifying you of activity on our site which may be relevant to you, from time to time we may wish to communicate with all members any important information such as newsletters or announcements by email. You can opt-in to or opt-out of such emails in your profile.
We may collect non-personally identifiable information about you in the course of your interaction with our site. This information may include technical information about the browser or type of device you're using. This information will be used purely for the purposes of analytics and tracking the number of visitors to our site.

Keeping your data secure​

We are committed to ensuring that any information you provide to us is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable measures and procedures to safeguard and secure the information that we collect.

Cookie policy​

Cookies are small text files which are set by us on your computer which allow us to provide certain functionality on our site, such as being able to log in, or remembering certain preferences.
Our site uses cookies for numerous things, including:
- Registration and maintaining your preferences. This includes ensuring that you can stay logged in and keeping the site in the language or appearance that you requested.
- Analytics. This allows us to determine how people are using the site and improve it.
- Advertising cookies (possibly third-party). If this site displays advertising, cookies may be set by the advertisers to determine who has viewed an ad or similar things. These cookies may be set by third parties, in which case this site has no ability to read or write these cookies.
- Other third-party cookies for things like Facebook or Twitter sharing. These cookies will generally be set by the third-party independently, so this site will have no ability to access them.
Managing your cookies and cookie preferences must be done from within your browser's options/preferences.


You have a right to access the personal data we hold about you or obtain a copy of it. To do so please contact us. If you believe that the information we hold for you is incomplete or inaccurate, you may contact us to ask us to complete or correct that information.
You also have the right to request the erasure of your personal data. Please contact us if you would like us to remove your personal data.

Acceptance of this policy​

Continued use of our site signifies your acceptance of this policy. If you do not accept the policy then please do not use this site. When registering we will further request your explicit acceptance of the privacy policy.

Changes to this policy​

We may make changes to this policy at any time. You may be asked to review and re-accept the information in this policy if it changes in the future.

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